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In ROTC, Cadets get individualized advising to help them as they navigate their way through their college careers.

Our staff sits down with our Students as early as their first semester to develop a plan in coordination with their College advisors. We tailor their plan to include all the requirements to become an officer.

Here is how it works:

Cadets select from various majors on campus. They sit with a staff member who reviews the curriculum and coordinates with that students College/Department and together they develop a plan to carry them through the rest of their schooling using the Cadet Command Planned Academic Worksheet, also known as a 104-R. Once completed the student takes a copy to their College Advisor to ensure that all the required classes for their degree are accounted for.

Why does this work:

We teach our Cadets to be proactive and have initiative. The 104-R is a working and breathing document - it can be adjusted any time. At the beginning of each semester our staff sits with the student and their transcript and discusses their progress. What is more important is that a student knows before the registration period what they need to take to graduate on time. Making it easy to get the classes they need before others can register for them. We can boast an average of 4.5 years in college for our students because they are prepared, the only reason it's not 4 years is because many of our students are Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) or Nursing majors and with ROTC need a little extra time.

ROTC adds additional rigors to an already busy schedule, our students, once they identify their commitment, are given priority scheduling, so that they can get the classes they need to graduate on time!